About Us

ITSUMO reflects an effort to reconnect with the joy of the everyday. The useful. The enduring.
Our selection of Japanese goods and crafts focuses on three core elements:
衣 (dress), 食 (eat) 住 (dwell).
We seek out beautiful, modest products — ones that bring quiet joy to everyday life. Honest objects created with ingenuity and respect for tradition. Essential tools for living, crafted from natural elements.
Because we take pleasure in an unhurried lifestyle.
In rediscovering a connection to home and to people.
We believe in products that are made by hand and from the heart.
itsumo いつも : a Japanese word for always, everyday, continuously & forever.
Shop Hours
Monday–Saturday 11:00–18:00
Sunday 12:00–17:00
Contact +1 604-423-3679
279 East 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5T 1J7 Canada