Gift Wrapping
Sale price$5.00
$5.00 |
Toyama Hamono 外山刃物
Niigata, Japan, Since 1861
Toyama Hamono is a traditional shears manufacturer based in the town of Sanjo located in Niigata prefecture, Japan. Sanjo is a town famous for the craft of blacksmithery. The founding of Toyama Hamono dates back to the Bunkyu period of the Edo era (1861-1864), their techniques have been passed down through five generations in Sanjo. Their methods are based on the manufacturing techniques of Japanese swords (katana) and have been hand-crafting traditional secateurs and shears for almost 160 years.
Toyama Hamono continues to offer high quality and trusted products, which can last a lifetime, while maintaining a respectful reputation throughout Japan and the world for producing excellence in gardening shears and secateurs.