Ohayo – Yasujiro Ozu, 1959
On this quiet Sunday, April 12th, marked for spiritual reflection, we wanted to share with you one of our favourite Japanese films, Yasujiro Ozu’s 1959 colour masterpiece, Ohayo.
Seems an ideal fit for the moment we find ourselves in.
The film humorously depicts the life of a typical mid century Japanese family whose two young boys, Minoru & Isamu, try to persuade their parents to purchase a television set for the home so they can be like their bohemian neighbours and watch the beloved Sumo matches.
With the recent break of Spring, and warmer weather prevailing, we find inspiration in Minoru & Isamu who strike a line in the sand by protesting for their independence via silent strike and outdoor adventure. We look forward to a time when we all might be able to venture out again to enjoy a family picnic, sharing simple food like home cooked rice.
We hope you are all finding ways of staying comfortable, safe & healthy while spending this fortuitous time with close family, or connecting with distant loved ones through the many means we have to be together and communicate.